Welcome to Lunar Garden and thank you for visiting the site! ^_^

Lunar Garden is a play by e-mail role playing game using the world of final fantasy 8 as a basis. Storylines are thought up by the three founders, myself, Taylor Bennett and Ryan Wood and characters write replies (posts). Its basically creative writing through e-mail. One person will start up a storyline then another person will write a reply in character. For example.

Sam had been called back to his Garden for a special meeting in light
of the events of the night. He was forced to leave as soon as he got
the message, leaving Alexia alone to walked the halls, and try to put
things together.
"I had her," Alexia muttered to her self, "I had the slimy(obseen word of your choice) who shoot Martine, I had her and I didn't even know it. Damn it!"
Alexia punched the wall and put a small hole in it.
"Oh, I did relise you where there," Alexia said, relieved to have someone around.

Where the <> symbols are for example here its <Akima> that tells the member who plays Akima to reply. Her reply is as followed.

"I had her," Alexia muttered to her self, "I had the slimy(obseen word of your choice) who shoot Martine, I had her and I didn't even know it. Damn it!"
Alexia punched the wall and put a small hole in it.
"Hurting yourself isn't going to help." Akima was standing a short distance away, arms crossed.
"Oh, I did relise you where there," Alexia said, relieved to have someone around.
Akima smiled slightly. "Yeah. Just can't sit still tonight. Where's Sam?"

Akima frowned. "I dunno where Ihorua is. He never came into the Infirmary, so I guess he's all right.... Hey.. why were you beating that wall up?"


Now Akima has given Alexia the chance to reply. This is basically how its goes. All posts are written in character. If you want to write out of character then members usually post NRPG: Before there post (NRPG stands for Not Role Playing Game)


I hope this explains what Lunar Garden is, and how to post. If you need more help, or would like more information then don't hesitate to contact me. (Carmybibs@aol.com)


Carmel x